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Anatomy wall of shame(update 1)

Posted by Template88 - January 28th, 2013

These artists go above and beyond the call of attempting to draw people without understanding anything about the human body. Due to the immense popularity of their artwork (mostly horribly drawn smut catering to 12 year olds) they no longer have the ability to objectively see their own work and thus are trapped forever as not so secret laughingstocks of the art/illustration community.

Cheers and enjoy. I'll add more as I find them.
oh my goodness how can he not see how his figures look? Hes been doing more of the same. He is still exactly the same.
Autism at its finest. No change here...at all.
Actually not a bad fellow to talk to, but his female figures are the 9/11 of female figures. Every time I see one I want to kill myself. It seems as though shadman is trying a little harder now, though his figures still lack alot of some basic anatomy construction he is going all out in other areas, and he has always more or less been a hard worker so he gets some points there for that. Hurray.
His well colored figures fall flat as symbolism rules this artists mind/phallus? and any semblance of anatomy or sense goes out the window giving way to boring (but popular) fetish material. He could be so much better. This guy actually makes me feel bad for what he could be.

Wall of glory
http://magicalnekolenlen.newgrounds.com/art/ big breasted anime women done right!
http://jettyjetjet.newgrounds.com/art/ an unsung hero, stylized figures with an impressive array of knowledge underneath the forms.
http://leylaarirama.newgrounds.com/ gorgeous knowledge is gorgeous
http://saltyicecream.newgrounds.com/art/ this guy should really be more known around here. Oh hey, look at what a little anatomy and pride in your work can allow you to do.

Give to me the hate.

Anatomy wall of shame(update 1)


Haha, this cracked me the hell up. :D Good job. :P

Ha, I used to be like that... and now i frown at other people who should have stopped :D

making sexy female charaters is sureway get popular, that why they are everywhere
but i dont mind them

this isnt about drawing sexy characters this is about drawing an abomination and not being able to see that its not even human, let alone "sexy". To draw a sexy female you need to know what a female looks like first.

o right then, my mistake

I can see where you're coming from.

haha well you definitely have a point and perhaps the style of the above dudes is unreal but it works for them, nevertheless seeing your drawings (that look human-real for me haha) makes understandable your deception i guess, so i support you ;) haha

Every time I see TheShadling's stuff up on the Hot Art page I kinda feel like pulling my hair out. Then I have to have a long critical thinking session and I always, ALWAYS come to the conclusion that that's what Newgrounds is about. Hell, I'm more likely to click on stuff with boobs and an M or A rating in the thumbnail, too, and I'm a straight chick. If I wanted to be part of a more hoity-toity art community I would focus on Deviantart. Oh, wait, I forgot that on DA Deathnote cosplays are worth their weight in platinum. I guess the art niche I'm in is always going to have a 'meh' fanbase. But anywas.

It does raise a question, which you hinted at-- if they were less popular with the sticky-palmed inhabitants of Newgrounds, would they be more driven to increase the quality of their art? There's no doubt these guys are always improving, but when your hormones and fanbase are screaming for glossy blush'd-breasted hotties are you really going to try to concentrate on your technique? When I grew out of my porn-art stage I realized that the answer is a very loud Fuck No. I had to sit on a block of ice in order to get any artistic studying done.

I guess if I were to be an art snob about it then I would say that porn art is about only the most sexy body parts (no shit). A lot of effort goes into making the breasts, mouth, ass and crotch all look appropriately slick and plump. The lines that connect these body parts (lets call them the Sexy Four) are less important, o'course, because the artist's and viewer's eyes are always going to be concentrating on the Sexy Four rather than the bits you can't put your dick into.

This urge to draw all the four best cuts of a hunk of woman-meat can also cause the artist to make a hard choice: focus on fewer parts and get a less spazzy drawing, or say fuck it, let's twist and contort this woman's anatomy like she's been packed into a briefcase so we can see AAAALLLLL the best bits.
So I guess if one were to wring any advice out of my big rambling speech, it would be to read a goddamned anatomy book and to settle on three or less of the Sexy Four body parts.

But I have to stop spitting jealous paragraphs now, I have to go read the Shadlings Lezzing of Korra because dat shit it hot

damn shadmans anatomy is fucking awful and most of his shit is mainly offensive just to be offensive
i dont know how all these prepubescents can jack off to his feces but newgrounds found a way

to defence of speedosausage; he did used mouse those draw all his work so it is hard to do it right. and second he is just messing around , i dont think hes taking hes art style seriously
but on other ways i do agree with you , espacily on shadman & fatelogic , cheese those twos anatomy drawing is making me sick... but then again i dont think they ARE supposed to look realistic. i mean its an cartoon. take a look at "jessica rabbit" for example her anatomy is fucking immposible but since she is a cartoon character its fine.

... but what about my garbage? i am i also like those...because i do try to stay on real anatomy as much as possible...well as much as i can that is...i still need to learn alooot of body anatomy...espacily the males...

I appreciate your honesty but on the other hand I accept and tolerate that people draw for different reasons even though I share your opinion in some points. It's horrible how many artists and media fall under your points of critique but we probably shouldn't take it that seriously. It is up to us to make the difference after all, right?

Yes sir, and I choose to make my mark by not accepting shitty art and being a dissenting voice in a sea of LOOKS GOOD MAN KEEP IT UP.

Though I do agree many artists have their anatomy and such wrong, I find it very silly of you to point out other peoples flaws when I notice you, along with every other artist, have flaws and a style that someone else won't like.

Everyone cannot cater to a person's liking because they point out a flaw or two.

Unfortunately you are confusing "style" with anatomy.
Please educate yourself on what anatomy is.

As well, it's best not to bitch about others art, for it just makes everyone think you're a jerk and people will find you unlikeable. Point out the positive things in the art AND the negatives in a less "I know what I'm talking about, and you're below me" way that you've came across when reviewing my art work (and certainly many others).

If no one ever says anything to you but "looks good, keep it up"
why would you ever improve?

I would rather EVERYONE think I was a jerk than me giving people buttpats for completely shitty work. It makes the craft look bad. Aspire for more, always keep improving.

Im not sorry but in your case I do know what I am talking about, and you specifically -are- below me on the "art quality" rung. I find little to nothing positive in your work, if I did I would do as you say and mix some positive with some negative but your forms lack any semblance of structure whatsoever.

You know, reading your reply to me and others actually made me alter my opinion, there need to be people that do what you do.

Please, people who come here because I've commented on your artwork, understand this point first...


I am amused and I agree. Carry on.

Theshadling's "art" is very disgusting :(

I like the style and art of theshadling; for the shading, details and lighting effects but anatomy is a little weird, maybe he disguises all defects in the anatomy With all That magic...
speedosausage i only like the animation and parodies but hes art is blergh

I like the short guide at the end...this is why I normally prefer to draw creatures because I'm always super critical of my own anatomy work (it's frustrating when you are building a 3d character and have to literally build a muscle system that effects the characters skin). I think maybe once I finish my current art challenge I'll do a 2D one...

I could curl up and sleep in this post, it feels so right. The artists you mentioned, I have followed and reviewed for some time (except for jettyjetjet, found him just recently and am enriched by his presence here).
What you say is all excruciatingly true, and I thank ya. Might PM you some more offenders for your analysis O_0

Number 1 is definitely the best.

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